Monday, July 11, 2011

A girl enjoying her afternoon coffee in the mall. I took this shot while waiting in line in an autograph signing event. The girl may be waiting for someone, or just passing the time.

Filipinos in general consume a lot of coffee daily. You would expect to find coffee in every household, as it is generally considered to be a household staple in the country. According to the USDA GAIN Report, instant coffee accounts for about 90% of all the coffee consumed in the country. The report also suggests that the Business Process Outsourcing industry, which usually operates at odd hours of the day, is expected to contribute to the increase in coffee consumption. What is more interesting is that coffee is considered more of a social drink, as are alcoholic beverages, than a drink to perk you up when needed. It would have been great to share a cup or two with someone just passing the time.

F 4.0, 1/15 sec, ISO 800, 28mm